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The movie I chose for this movie is Ice Age. 

The setting of the story is the ice age, and it is also the name of the movie. The main character of the movie is a sloth named Sid, a mammoth named Manfred, and a tiger named Diego. The story began with a big migration of all the animal because of the approaching of the ice age. It seems that all the animals are moving south. 

Sid, the main character, was abandoned by his family "again" in the migration this year. They began their migration without Sid every year. When Sid found that he was abandoned again, it was too late. He was upset about why there is nobody who would really love him. Sid desided to began the trip on his own, so he started the journey alone. 

On the way to south, Sid met two rhinos. Sid accidentally ruined two rhinos' salad, and made them very angry. The two rhinos tried to kill Sid. The only thing Sid could do is running away. And Sid met a mammoth on the way. Sid tried to convince the mammoth to help him. Then the mammoth protected Sid although he didn't want to do that. After the mammoth help Sid chase them from him, Sid wanted to make friends with the mammoth and head south together.

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Manfred help Sid get rid of the two rhinos. 

The mammoth's name is Manfred. No matter how hard Manfred tried to refuse Sid, he still followed behind him. Manfred had no choice but to let Sid follow him and keep murmuring beside him. Sid is a sloth who is very talkative and even annoying, but he has a kind heart.

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Meanwhile, on the other side of the area, there is a human tribe. On the night before their migration, a pack of tigers attacked the tribe. The boss of the group of the tigers ordered one of the tiger to catch the human baby alive for him, and that tiger who was commanded is Diego. On that night, Diego tried to steal the human, but fail to get that because of the baby's mother. The baby's mother ran away with the baby, and Diego followed her. They came to a cliff, and there is a river beneath it. The baby's mother was cornered on the edge of the cliff, and Diego would catch her in few minutes. The mother kissed the baby and then jumped out of the cliff into the river. Diego lost the baby. However, the boss of the tiger still command Diego to get the baby alive.

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Diego found the baby! 

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Manfred and Sid began their migration together, and they came to a river. They saw there was a woman near the river. They approached her. The woman left the baby there and then disappeared. Manfred and Sid desided to return the baby to human beings.

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They found a woman with the baby.

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The woman gave the baby to them.

Diego showed up before Manfred and Sid. Diego told them he could lead the way becaue he was a good tracker. He knew where the human would go. Although Manfred and Sid didn't really believe Diego, the tiger, they three still started their journey to return the baby together. In fact, at that time, what Diego really wanted to do is to set them up, getting the baby and also the mammoth for his boss.

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At first, Diego still tried to steal the baby.

They three began their journey together, and they developed a some kind of relationship. They met a lot of funny and strange things, and had many special experiences together. One day, they encounter the eruption of the vocano. they three tried their best to escape the river of lava. The ground was melting. When Diego was in desperate danger, Manfred saved him, and he almost died. Diego was so touched that Manfred risked his own life saving him. He beban to hesitate about the plan to set them up and kill Manfred and Sid.

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Manfred was trying to save Diego.


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They three became friends, beginning to believe each other and take care of each other. They were trying to take care of the baby and make the baby happy together. Day after day, they were closer and closer to the group of human beings. And the group of tigers, which Diego belonged to, were waiting them there on the road to give Manfred and Sid a ambush. When they were approaching the position, Diego confessed to Manfred and Sid. He told them there were a group of tigers waiting to attack them. Diego said he was sorry and he could help them. They change their plan to face the attack and protect the baby.

They successfully protect the baby. And when Manfred was cornered by three tigers, Diego stood before Manfred and to protect him. When the boss of the tigers jumped to snap Manfred's throat, Diego leaped between and got attacked in place of Manfred. Manfred fought all of the tigers off. They got victory, but Diego was wounded seriously lying on the ground. He told them he was really sorry and regret setting them up. He told them they must leave him here because if the human beings passed through the passage they would never catch up them. Manfred, Sid, and the baby said goodbye to Diego and continued their trip.

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Diego was protecting Manfred with his life. 

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They had to leave Diego there.

They finally caught up the human beings, and returned the baby to his father. His father gave Manfred an ornamental chain as a memorial. They left the baby and human beings, and found Diego was behind them. They were so happy that Diego was alright. They three continued their migration heading to south together. That was the end of the story.  

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Vocabulary& Phrase

1. extinction 滅絕, 撲滅 N.

2. Breakthrough 突破 N.

3. Mammoth 長毛象 N. / 巨大的 Adj.

4. Dandelion 蒲公英 N.

5. Jeez 唉呀! 天啊! 

6. Hog 豬 N.

7. Impale 刺穿, 使陷入險境 V.

8. Mammal 哺乳動物 N.

9. Bluff 虛張聲勢嚇唬人, 愚弄 V./ N. 

10. weasel 鼬鼠, 黃鼠狼, 狡猾的人 N. / 逃避, 推諉 V.

11. Saber 馬刀, 軍刀 N.

12. Gagged 塞住...的口 V.

13. Vegan 嚴守素食主義的人 N.

14. Aggravation 加重, 惡化, 惱怒 N.

15. Blizzard 大風雪 N.

16. Bundle 綑, 束, 包裹, 大量 N.

17. Squirm 蠕動, 扭動, 侷促不安 V.

18. Poop 船尾, 甲板, 糞便, 排泄物 N.

19. Pummel 用拳頭打 V.

20. Lactate 分泌乳汁, 餵奶 V.

21. Crackpot 瘋子, 怪人, 狂想家 N.

22. Stockpile 儲備物資 N.

23. Befit 適合於 V. 

24. Squirt 小毛孩子 N.

25. Triumphant 勝利的, 喜洋洋的 Adj.

26. Marinate 把...浸泡在滷汁中 V.

27. Predator 食肉動物, 掠奪者 N.

28. Mush 過分的多愁善感, 玉米粥, 軟糊狀的東西 N.

29. Stomp 跺腳, 重踩 N. 

30. Whisker 小鬍子, 連鬢鬍子 N.

31. Pachyderm 厚皮類(動物), 厚臉皮的人 N. 

32. Wallop 痛打, 擊潰 V. 

33. Lovebird 情侶 N.

34. Biped 兩足的 Adj./ 兩足的動物 N.

35. Lumpy 多塊的, 起伏的, 凹凸不平的 Adj.

36. Knucklehead 呆笨或沒有思想的人 N. 

37. Maul 大木槌 N. / 毆打, 粗暴的對待 V. 

38. Frostbite 凍傷 N. / V.

39. grudge 怨恨, 妒忌 N. / V.


Quote& Good Saying

(After Manfred risked his life saving Diego from dropping into the river of lava.)

Diego: Why did you do that? You could have died, trying to save me. 

Manfred: That’s what you do in a herd. You look out for each other. 



(on the night)

Sid: You know, Diego. I have never had a friend who would risk his life for me.

Diego: Yeah…Manny’s…….he’s a good guy. (in the movie, sometimes they called Manfred "Manny" ) 



(After Diego risked his life saving Manfred from the group of tigers. He was lying on the ground.)

Diego: We were some team. Huh?

Manfred: Were? Come on, we are still a team. 

Diego: I am sorry I set you up.

Sid: You know me – I’m too lazy to hold a grudge.

(The baby wanted to hug Diego)

Diego: Knock it off, squirt. You gotta be strong. You have to take care of Manfred and Sid. Especially Sid.

Sid: Come on, you can lick this. You’re a tiger. Look, I’ll carry you. Come on, what do you say? Come on, Diego, come on. Tell him he’s going to be OK, Manny.

Diego: Listen, you have to leave me here. If those humans get through the pass, you’ll never catch them.

Manfred: You didn’t have to do that.

Diego: That’s what you do in a herd.



     The movie I chose for this week is Ice Age. I have already heard about this movie long time ago, but I have never seen it. It seems a really funny and time-killing movie. It makes people relax and laugh. I love this kind of movie, and after I remember there is the sequel of this movie. I think next movie I would choose is the sequel of this movie. Now I would share some thoughts about the movie. 

     First, I think one of the theme of this movie is friendship. It shows one point that regardless of race, everybody can become friends. Because it is an animated film, so every animal could speak the same language. There is no problems of language. A sloth, a mammoth, and a tiger could be good friends. What a strage team it is! I often think that whether the tiger would eat the sloth or not, or attack the mammoth. Sid once asked Diego that whether he would eat him or not. Diego's answer is that he doesn't eat junk food. It is a humorous answer. Additionally, the other topic I want to talk about is trust - their trust for each other. At first, Manfred doesn't trust Diego becaust he is a tiger. Maybe one day he would eat Sid or attack Manfred himself or he would also possibly steal the baby. Manfred doesn't trust Diego at first in the movie. However, when Diego was in desperate danger, Manfred risked his life saving Diego. He almost died. This action really touched Diego. When Diego asked Manfred why he did that, Manfred said that what you do in a herd, taking care of each other. And this event made Diego begin to hesitate about his original plan - steal the baby and attack the mammoth. When Manfred was in danger, Diego risked his life saving Manfred. This plot teaches me that friend is someone who would risk his life saving you. As an old saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." It reminds me to cherish all my true friends more. Furthermore, there is another thing I want to talk about. The scene when the baby was saying goodbye to Diego is so touching. Then baby didn't afraid of the sloth, the mammoth, and the tiger. All three of them tried their best to protect and take care of him. And the baby knows that. When the baby was trying to hug the tiger, it shows the most innocent and true love between them. They trust each other in their mind without fear of being eaten.

     To sum up, I really recommand this movie to everyone. Because it is a funny, relaxed, touching, and time-killing movie. And in this movie, I saw the most innocent, true, and beautiful love, friendship, and relationship. 



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