Ice Age II 01  


This movie is the sequel of the movie Ice Age. Sid the Sloth, Manfred the Mammoth, and Diego the Tiger are still the three main characters. And in this movie there will be three more main characters added in their group. 

In the beginning of the story, Sid, Manfred, and Diego lived together in a big basin with many other animals. And Sid was not happy. He wanted to improve himself that he could also do something amazing and remarkable. He thought everybody thought that he is stupid, including his two best friends - Manfred and Diego. 

Meanwhile, there was an old turtle who was trying to tell everybody that the world is gonna to be end. He said the doomday is coming. The ice age was going to be end because the weather was getting hotter and hotter. All the ice - the iceberg and the ground, were melting down. He said all the animals would be die because of the meltdown. On the other hand, Manfred and Diego stopped him because they didn't believe him. They told everyone what the old turtle said was not true, he was scaring everybody. 

In order to impress all the animals, Sid climbed up to a high iceberg and tell everybody that he was going to jump out of the iceberg. Just before the moment when he jumped down, Manfred and Diego climbed up to save him from jumping down in time. When they three on the high iceberg, they saw the melting ground on the iceberg and a lot amount of water. They suddenly realized that what the old turtle said was true. All the ice were melting down. And when the iceberg which was surrounding the basin they lived in really melt down, the area they lived in would be filled with flood. All the animals would die. They had to tell everybody to escape from the flood.

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They found that the iceberg was really melting down!

They returned to the basin and told every animals what they saw on the high iceberg. Then there was a vulture told them there would be only three days for them to escape. In three days the flood would fill with all the place they could see, and they would die. The vulture told them that there was a big boat on the other side of this area. If they wanted to live, they have to migrate right now to get aboard.

All the animals had no choice but to listen to the vulture in order to survive. They started their journey. During this long trip, there was a rumor which everyone was talking about. They were saying that Manfred was the last mammoth in the world, because in this area there was no other mammoths could be seen. Mammoth was the animal which was extincting. Manfred was angry and upset about the rumor. He didn't know whether what other animals said was ture or not. If what they said was true - he was the last mammoth in the world, then he would never have the chance to make his own family. Manfred was upset because of the rumor. 

Manfred wanted to walk alone for a while because he was in a bad mood. When he was walking alone in the forest, he met another mammoth! A female mammoth! Her name was Ellie. However, Ellie didn't know that she was a mammoth. It is not because she was stupid. It is because she has two brothers - her two best friends - two possums. They three grew up together. Everyday they lived together, eat together, sleep together, and play together. Ellie thought herself was also a possum. 

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When Diego and Sid found Manfred, they were so surprising that they saw another mammoth. And they told Manfred that don't be sad because he was not the last mammoth in the world. Diego and Sid wanted to invite Ellie and two possums to migrate together, because they thought Manfred might like Ellie. Ellie also agreed with them because she thought they could protect them. They could be safer if they could escape from the flood together. 

Then they three continued their journey together. However, Manfred tried his best to convince Ellie that she was a mammoth, but she didn't believe him. She really thought she was a possum. Diego and Sid could see that Manfred liked Ellie, but Manfred didn't admit that.

In the night, Ellie suddenly walked into another area because she remembered she had come this place before. Manfred followed her. There was a big plain and a big tree. Ellie remembered that when she was a little mammoth. Without parents, she was walking alone in the snowstorm. She was walking to the big tree to find a shelter, and she was starving and cold. When she tried to sleep beneath the big tree, she saw there were something looking at her. They were possums on the tree. From then on, Ellie and the two possums became the best friends. Ellie told Manfred her past. Manfred then understood that why Ellie thought she was a possum. Then Manfred still tried to convince Ellie that she was a mammoth because of their same footprints. Ellie finally realized that she was a mammoth, not a possum. Manfred taught her how to use the long nose. Furthermore, Manfred wanted to tell Ellie that if they two were the last mammoths in the world, then they should make a family and make baby for their species. But Manfred was not a good talker. Ellie was angry about Manfred because he said something stupid. 


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She finally realized that she was a mammoth.

Ellie and Manfred came back to the group. Ellie desiced to continue the trip in the night. One reason is that they were running out of time. They had to catch up the other animals to escape from the flood. The other reason is that Ellie was angry at Manfred. Then they contined their trip in the dark night. However, it was always not a good choice to have a trip in the night. They encounter danger. The ground suddenly separated. All of them were having the danger of dropping down the cliff. Manfred and Ellie had no choice but to cooperate with each other and finally saved all of them. 


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In the daybreak, Sid was secretly sent by another group of sloths to their "kingdom". In there, they called Sid "Fire King" because they found Sid could make fire with two stones. They worshiped Sid. Sid was so happy that there would somebody likes him in the world. However, their plan was to sacrifice "Fire King". It is some kinds of ritual. Sid escaped from there and came back to the team. And it was morning.

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They worshiped Sid!

When they got up in the morning, they found the flood was coming faster than they walk. They had to be hurry to escape the flood and to catch up the other animals. They continued their trip. After they passed through the forest they were in, they saw a ground and on the other side of the ground they saw the other animals and the large boat made of wood. They successfully catch up the other animals. However, the plain in front of them were full of small crater. The mindfield was out there. They would be burn to die if they were hit by the eruption of the small crater.

Ellie wanted to go back and found another way to head to the destination, but Manfred said going straight was the only way because the flood was coming, they didn't have a lot of time. So the team separated. Manfred, Diego, and Sid went straight and wanted to meet Ellie at the destination. Ellie and her two possums got back and went anothe way. 

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Manfred, Diego, and Sid successfully passed through the minefield, but they could find Ellie and the two possums. They were so worried about them.

On the other hand, Ellie and the two possums went another direction. They found a cave which could also lead to the destination. However, the flood was faster. The iceberg was melting, and the flood was coming. All the animals were aboard onto the big boat. But Ellie was stuck in the cave because the exit of the cave was stuck with big stones. The two possums escaped from the cave through the small hole and tried to find Manfred to save Ellie. 

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The flood was coming!

Manfred, Diego, and Sid went back to find the cave which Ellie was stuck. The flood was coming, and water was everywhere. Manfred had to swim to the cave. The two possums and Sid was stuck in the middle of the "river" (because of the flood). Diego couldn't swim and he hated water because he was a tiger. However, Sid always laughed Diego that everybody could swim. When Diego stood on the ground, he was trying to conquer his fear to water. He saw his friends, Sid and two possums, being drowned before his eyes. Diego was so anxious. Finally, he made up his mind to conquer the water. He thought the water was his prey. He was a tiger, and he must conquer the water. He jumped into the water, trying to do the actions which Sid told him - Claw! Kick! Claw! Kick!.... He ended up knowing how to swim! He succefully swam toward the middle of the river and saved Sid and the two possums. When they came back to the bank, Sid told Diego he lied to him. every animals could swim, but not tigers. Manfred ended up saving Ellie out of the cave.

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Diego was trying to conquer the water in order to save his friends!

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But, all of them didn't got onto the large boat. The place they stood on would soon be filled up with the water. Suddenly, The iceberg on the other side splited into two! The flood was gradaully disappearing. They survived! When the ground became dry again, all the animals were so happy they survive the flood. 

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When they were all happy about their survival, Sid met the mini sloth who kidnapped him in the midnight. All of the mini sloths were here. They asked Sid to be their king. Sid hesitated because he could get respect there. Everybody there liked him. However, Diego told those mini sloths that Sid was an important to their team. They could be nothing without Sid, so Sid could leave them. 

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Diego told Sid how important he is in the team.

Then they heard some voices of the footstep. On the other of the iceburg, there came a large amount of mammoths! Every animals here seems surprising that mammoths was actually not extincting. Ellie was also happy about seeing so many mammoths. Ellie wanted to go with them - the other mammoths. She told Manfred mammoths should go with mammoths. She expected Manfred to saying something to plea her to stay with him, but Manfred didn't. Manfred was so clumsy in talking. Manfred thought about his own family, his past, and background, that he couldn't save his family by human. He didn't dare to say he like Ellie.

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A lot of mammoths were coming!

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Sie and Diego said something positive to encourage Manfred. They told him he shouldn't let her go. Manfred finally ran after Ellie, and told her that he liked her. They were finally got together. Manfred, Ellie, two possums, Diego and Sid become good friends, and they began their new journey together. 

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Manfred was telling Ellie that he liked her!

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Vocabulary& Phrase

1. blindfold 蒙住...眼睛 V. / 蒙住眼睛的, 盲目的 Adj, Adv. / 遮掩布 N. 

2. squash 壓扁, 壓碎 V. N. 

3. burro 驢子 N.

4. grazing 放牧, 牧場 N.

5. demeaning 貶低人的 Adj.

6. pesky 麻煩的, 討厭的 Adj.

7. gill 腮

8. moron 低能, 傻瓜 N.

9. eon 萬古, 極長時期 N.

10. be that as it may 不顧, 儘管 Adv.

11. aspersion 毀謗, 中傷 N.

12. cocky 驕傲的, 太過自信的 Adj.

13. spleen 脾臟, 壞脾氣 N.

14. retract 縮回 V.

15. gizmo 小玩意兒 N.

16. geyser 噴泉 N.

17. dam 水壩 N.

18. vulture 禿鷹 N.

19. glyptodont 雕齒獸

20. miscreant 無賴的, 極惡的, 異端的 Adj./ 惡棍, 歹徒 N.

21. possum 負鼠 N.

22. newt 蠑螈 N.

23. platypus 鴨嘴獸 N.

24. badger 獾, 獾毛 N. / 困擾 V

25. brink 邊緣 N.

26. jolly 快活的 Adj.

27. spineless 無脊椎的, 懦弱的 Adj. 

28. infuriating 令人生氣的 Adj.

29. bullfrog 牛蛙 N. 

30. turtledove 班鳩 N. 

31. mayhem 有意的破壞(或暴行) N. 

32. slowpoke 慢動作的人 N.

33. darn 縫補, 織補 N. V.

34. stalk 偷偷靠近, 追蹤, 蔓延 V. 

35. pervert 使走上邪路, 腐蝕, 變壞, 歪曲, 濫用 V.

36. stump 殘株, 殘幹, 殘留的部分, 矮胖子, 腿, 義肢, 笨重的腳步聲, 政治演說的講台或場合, 擦筆(繪畫用), 三柱門的柱(板球) N./ 砍去....的幹, 作巡迴政治演說, 向.....挑戰, 使.....為難, 遊說, 笨重的行走 V.

37. catchy 引起注意的, 易上當的 Adj.

38. avert 避開 V.

39. gooey 膠黏的, 感傷的 Adj. / 黏著物 N.


Quote& Good Saying

(When the mini sloth asked Sid to join their kingdom being their king, Diego told them that Sid couldn't leave his own herd because they need them.)

Diego: No, not so fast there, OK. You make a quality offer. But Fire King has a prior commitment. His herd needs him. He is the gooey, sticky stuff that holds us together. He made this herd, and we’d be nothing without him.




(Manfred dare not tell Ellie that he wants to be with her because he thought about his past. Sid and Diego said something very positive to encourage him.)

Sid: Manny, you’ve come a long way since we met and I’ll take full credit for that, but you need to let go of the past so you can have a future.

Diego: Go after her.

Sid: It’s Ok. We’ll always be here for you.

Manfred: I’ll keep in touch.

Diego: Yeah, yeah. You’re a good friend. Point made. Now, go on. Scat.




(Manfred told Ellie that he wanted to be with her, and Ellie said yes.)

Manny: I don’t want us to be together because we have to. I want us to be together because we want to. And I wanna be with you, Ellie. What do you say?

Ellie: Manny, I thought you were going……   You are a possum enough for me.



this movie is the sequel of the movie Ice Age. I really like all the main characters in the story. 

In this sequel, I learned that every members in a group are all equal important. That is to say, there wouldn't be someone who is superior and inferior, smarter and stupider, or more important and less important. In the beginning of the movie, Sid was sad that there would nobody really likes him and pays some respect to him. He thought that was because he is the stupidest in the herd. He is less important person, not like Diego and Manfred. In order to impress everyone that he could also do something amazing and remarkable. He kept trying to do something special to make others think that he was also an important person and then they would pay some respest to him as Diego and Manfred. During their journey, he was kidnapped by a large group of mini sloths, and they worshipped him. In the end of the movie, the mini sloths even asked Sid to join them being their king. Sid was really appreciated that there would be somebody who really likes him. And he really took it into consideration - to leave Diego and Manfred and to be their king. However, Diego said something really touching to them. He said that Sid is actually a very important person in their team. Although they often make fun of him, they couldn't be a herd without Sid. Diego said Sid is a gooey and sticky stuff that makes them together and they would be nothing without him. That sentence is so touching. In a herd, nobody is less important. Everyone takes care of each other, and trusts each other. 

There is another thing I want to talk about is the moment when Diego jumped into the water to save Sid and the two possums. In the beginning of the movie, Sid made fun of Diego that how couldn't a tiger, the most strong and powerful animal in the world, swim? Sid told Diego that most animals could swim like babies. When Diego saw his friends being drowned in the water, he made his mind to conquer the fear of water. Although he was very afraid of water, he jumped into the flood trying to swim. That action was so touching. It makes me think of an old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." They are true friends. Diego risked his life jumping into the water to save Sid and the two possums, even he couldn't swim. After he saved Sid and the two possums, Sid told Diego that he left out the part that most animals could swim but not tigers. 

In this movie, I learned how true friends should treat each other. They trust each other and take care of each other. And they would risk their own life saving another without doubts. This movie shows the theme - Friendship really great. 


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