This week the movie I chose to watch is Bedtime Stories.
The story begins with an old man who ran a hotel. His name is Marty Bronson. He has a little boy whose name is Skeeter Bronson. The little Skeeter really likes the hotel. In his little eyes, the house is a good place for him to have an adventure. In the night, the old Bronson used to tell bedtimes stories to his little Skeeter before he fell asleep. And it makes the little Skeeter a boy with good imagination.
However, one day there is businessman, Barry Nottingham, wanted to buy the little hotel to build a new big hotel. The old Bronson had no choices but to sell his hotel because of the getting-worse deficit. And Barry Nottingham promised Bronson to let his son Skeeter be the manager of the new hotel after he grows up.
Time passed by, after twenty five years, the old Bronson had already dead, and the little Skeeter grew up and worked as a handyman in the new hotel. He fixes things there. He had worked for the hotel for twenty five years. He still waited for the promise which was made by Barry the he would let Skeeter be the general manager when he grows up. However, this promise seemed to be forgotten by everyone because Barry let Kendall be the general manager in Barry's new hotel, The Sunny Vista Nottingham Hotel.
Meanwhile, Skeeter's sister and the principal of Webster Elementary School, Wendy, asked Skeeter to help her take care of her two kids, Bobbi and Patrick, while she goes out of the town for a week. And one of her friends Jill would come to take care of the kids on the day shift and Skeeter would come for the night shift. At first, the kids don't like Skeeter. however, the situation was getting better and better. Skeeter catches kids' attention by his fantastic bedtime stories. He was so good at telling the story just like his father.
Skeeter liked to make himself and the kids into some characters in the story. Then the story became more interesting. He created the story together with the kids. In the story, Skeeter is a poor farmer and lost everything in the end. However, the kids don't like the ending because it's not happy, so they change the story - Skeeter has the chance to prove himself is better than everybody thinks and then the sky is rainning gumballs. Skeeter told the children that there won't be happy endings in the real life.
The next day, Skeeter was asked to fix the television for Barry. Barry told Skeeter the new idea from Kendall for the new hotel, The Sunny Vista Nottingham Hotel. However, Skeeter found that idea is not really new. He told Barry that it has been used by other hotel before. Then Barry made a new decision. In his birthday party on weekend, Kendall and Skeeter were going to have a presentation to show their new ideas for the new hotel. The one whose idea is better would become the new general manager of the new hotel. Skeeter got the chance! He got the chance to prove himself! When he was driving home and stopped by the road, it was rainning gumballs. Then he believes that how the children make up the bedtime story would determine his real life. Because all the plot the children mentioned last night come true! In fact, he doesn't know that was the coincidence that there was a big candy delivery truck got crashed on the bridge above him where he stopped by the road. That was the reason why it was rainning gumballs.
It was really rainning gumballs!!!
But that because of the candy delivery truck.
The second night, Skeeter tried to make up a new bedtime story to the children for himself. He set the sotry in the Western and Skeeter is a cowboy. He got a new and good-quality horse named Ferrari (法拉利) from a Native American for free. Then the children change the story that he would save a lady by a bunch of robber. When Skeeter asked the lady for a kiss for reward, there would be a dwarf kicking his leg. The second story ends. The next day, he went out to find his car "Ferrari". However, instead of getting a free Ferrari, his wallet was stolen by the man who cheated him to give him the car. But, he really met the girl, Barry's daughter, Violet Nottingham. She was bothered by a group of stalkerazzis. Then Skeeter successfully saved the girld from the crazy stalkerazzis. But when he wanted to asked for the kiss, he was kicked by a dwarf. Most of the plots of the bedtime story last night really come true.
He saved the beautiful girl in the story.
The following night, Skeeter tried to make up the story to children for himself again. This time the setting of the story is in the ancient Greece. Skeeter impressed the king and the prettiest girl in the kingdom. The prettiest girl he thought was Violet. Then he and the beautiful maiden would have a date on the beach. The next day, he called Violet and then figured out that Violet wouldn't show up in his story today. However, Jill showed up. In fact, the most beautiful girl he thought for the story plot turned out to be Jill. He and Jill met accidentally and had a walk on the beach. They had a great day.
It was the last night for Skeeter to be with the kids. He tried to make up the story for his presentation of the new idea for the new hotel the next day. This time the setting of the story is in the outer space. He had a fight with a Kendall. Then he won. He won the next throne form the king. But the children changed the ending of the story. Bobbi and Patrick said the main character was on fire in the end. Skeeter didn't want to let the story end here but he couldn't force the children make up the story again.
The next day, in Barry's birthday party, Kendall and Skeeter had to show the presentation in turn before Barry. Finally, Barry said that he liked the Skeeter's idea more than Kendall's. Skeeter won and Kendall lose. Skeeter won the position of the new general manager of The Sunny Vista Nottingham Hotel. However, in the end of the party, there is a big cake for Barry. Skeeter was afraid that he would be burned so he used the fire extinguisher to put out the fire. But he incautiously let all the white foam on Barry's face. So Barry fired Skeeter immediately. Skeeter realized that that was how the word "fire" connects the story.
SKeeter's sister Wendy came back to the town. Skeeter lost his job and found a heartbroken news that the location of the new hotel is exactly the place where the elementary school which Bobbi and Patrick study in and Jill and Wendy works in. That is to say, Barry wanted to demolish the school to build the new hotel. The whole school tried to protest against the deal and protect the shcool. Bobbi, Patrick, Jill and Wendy were all disappointed about him because his company is going to destroy the scholl they love although Skeeter said that he didn't know about the location of the new hotel.
Skeeter was upset about his failure of life. He realized that he was not the main character of the story and there is reall no happy endings in the real life. He lost everything. However, his father seemed to talk to him from the sky. He told Skeeter that that was not the end of his story. He should make up his own story. Skeeter got power suddenly. He went to Barry to persuade him not to destroy the school and there was another better place for the new hotel. He met Jill there. However, Barry couldn't contract with Kendall to stop the demolishment. There were thirteen minutes left for Skeeter and Jill to save the school. They got a motorcycle and rush towards the school.
His father seems to talk to him from the sky.
Near the school, there were a group of people, including Wendy, Bobbi and Patrick, protesting against the demolishment. Bobbi and Patrick wanted to save the school so they ran secretly into the school. Wendy found her kids were in big danger because the demolishment was upcoming, but Kendall didn't believe Wendy. Just before the moment when Kendall push the buttom of the demolishment, Skeeter and Jill came in time. They stopped the demolishment and announced that Barry had already cancel the demolishment.
In the end, Skeeter and Jill fell in love. They run their own hotel after Skeeter's father's name. Kendall became his employee. Barry overcame his mysophobia and became a docter in Webster Elementary School. Barry's daughter Violet married with Skeeter's best friend Mickey. Skeeter and Jill lived happily ever after.
The happy ending
Vocabulary& Phrase
1. Metamorphosize 使變質 V.
2. Handyman 雜務工 N.
3. Mix-up 混亂, 誤會 N.
4. Leprechaun 小妖精 (愛爾蘭傳說的) N.
5. Electrocute 使觸電致死 V.
6. Germ 微生物, 細菌 N.
7. Fuss 忙亂, 爭吵 N.
8. Crud 汙垢, 無用的人 N.
9. Wedgie 楔形跟女性平底鞋 N.
10. Manure 肥料 N.
11. Bogeyman 鬼怪, 嚇人的東西(嚇小孩時用的稱呼) N.
12. Nerd 討厭的人, 笨蛋
13. Rejuvenate 使年輕, 使恢復精神 V.
14. Kiss one’s butt 拍馬屁
15. Moat 護城河, 壕溝 N.
16. Muck 堆肥 N.
17. Gumball 口香糖球 N.
18. Jig 吉格舞 N.
19. Whatnot 叫不出名稱的東西, 諸如此類, 等等 N.
20. Memorabilia 值得紀念的事物, 重要記事
21. Apocalyptic 啟示的 Adj.
22. Fuzzy 有絨毛的, 模糊不清的 Adj.
23. Vaporizer 蒸餾器, 噴霧器 N.
24. Spooky 幽靈般的, 鬼魅般的, 令人毛骨悚然的 Adj.
25. Annihilate 殲滅 V.
26. Verdict 裁定, 裁決 N.
27. Arc 弧形 N.
28. Damsel 少女 N.
29. Munchkin 負責任又討人喜愛的小好人 N.
30. Touchdown 觸地得分, 降落 N.
31. Wind chime 風鈴 N.
32. Biodiesel 生物柴油 N.
33. Opposable 可反對的, 可相對的 Adj.
34. goofy 愚笨的, 傻的 Adj.
35. cadet 見習生, 培訓生 N.
36. sidekick 共犯, 夥伴 N.
37. booger 鼻屎乾, 可怕人 N.
38. sharif 君主, 王公 N.
39. commonality 平民 (總稱) N.
40. cynic 憤世忌俗者, 玩世不恭者, 愛挖苦人者 N.
41. Misfire 失敗 V./ N.
Quote& Good Saying
Patrick: That can’t be the end!
Skeeter: Why not?
Patrick: It’s not happy.
Skeeter: There aren’t happy endings in real life. Sooner you know that, the better.
His father’s voice: And so Skeeter sat on his bed, filled with regret, wondering how to put the pieces of his life together after one magical week.
Skeeter: Great ending, huh?
His father's voice: That was your ending, son? I thought this was just a sad part, and you were about to make it better.
Skeeter: What do you mean? How could I make it any better?
His father's voice: Well, in the stories I told you, just when things looked bleakest, the hero would do something unexpected and courageous to beat the bad guy, save the day, and get the girl!
Skeeter: Yeah! How can I do that?
His father's voice: It’s your story, not mine. But you better get moving. Go get them, son.
This week the movie I chose is Bedtime Stories. One of the reasons for choosing this movie is I like the main character Adam Sandler. The series movie which he starred in, Night at the Museuse, are one of my favorite movies. The other reason for choosing this movie is that I like watch science-fiction movie. This movie seems to have a magic world and that is a big attraction for me.
After watching this movie, I want to share some of my afterthoughts. First, I have to tell you the truth. I really don't like the main character. I mean the character in the movie, Skeeter Bronson, not the actor Adam Sandler. I don't like him because I think he is so impracticable. Everyday he thought about is his bedtime stories. He didn't even prepare so much for his presentation for Barry's birthday party. The only thing he did for that is make up the bedtime story. He is not a hardworking guy and lives in his daydream everyday. He dreams to become the hero but he doesn't want to pat the efforts. I really don't like that. He is too impracticable. Second, I am so impressed by his skill of telling the story. Actually, the stories he made up for the children are so fantastic. The setting could be from the castle in the medieval times in Europe, the Western American, the ancient Greece, to the outer space. How could he create these stories for only one night and he didn't even think before he talked about them. It is so amazing for a person to make so many nice bedtime stories within such a short time. At least I can't do that.
To sum up, I think it is a good movie to see in the free time. We don't have to be so nervous, restless, or excited. It is the movie to make you rest and laugh. His story can take you to the place from the big magnificant castle in the medieval times in Europe to the outer space. The plot is simple, not complicated at all.